

英 ['pɒpɪndʒeɪ] 美
  • n. 鹦鹉;花花公子;绿啄木鸟;多嘴而爱装腔作势的人


popinjay: see parrot
popinjay (n.)
late 13c., "a parrot," from Old French papegai (12c.), from Spanish papagayo, from Arabic babagha', Persian babgha "parrot," possibly formed in an African or other non-Indo-European language and imitative of its cry. Ending probably assimilated in Western European languages to "jay" words (Old French jai, etc.).

Used of people in a complimentary sense (in allusion to beauty and rarity) from early 14c.; meaning "vain, talkative person" is first recorded 1520s. Obsolete figurative sense of "a target to shoot at" is explained by Cotgrave's 2nd sense definition: "also a woodden parrot (set up on the top of a steeple, high tree, or pole) whereat there is, in many parts of France, a generall shooting once euerie yeare; and an exemption, for all that yeare, from La Taille, obtained by him that strikes downe" all or part of the bird.


1. You never called me an arrogant, reckless popinjay.


2. The preening popinjay has now departed the scene and good riddance, say I.
那只得益洋洋的鹦鹉,现在终于滚蛋了,拔了咱的眼中钉,肉中刺, 这就是我说的.
